Over 90 percent of people who become infected with it are hospitalized. It carries a mortality rate of 20 to 30 percent. Symptoms can appear as early as the same day of exposure, or as late as 70 to 90 days after infection. It can live in cold temperatures, multiplies rapidly, and can live for years on equipment in places food is prepared.
And, it is back in the news because there are several outbreaks and recalls involving this particular pathogen – Listeria.
Here's what you need to know about these recalls and the dangers of Listeria.
The Flat Broke Cookbook is about shopping for food with limited funds and still feeding your family tasty and
nutritious meals. It assumes you have a bit of money to spend, but not a lot.
At the same time, you might be living off the supplies in your pantry or freezer for similar reasons.
What if you couldn't go to the grocery store for a month?
There are all sorts of reasons you might not be able to get to the store for a month.
Whatever the reason, eating from your stockpile does not have to be boring and unpleasant. If it’s nonstop beans and rice, you’re doing something wrong.