With Earth Day less than a week away, we’re celebrating with a Matching Gift Challenge!
Thanks to our generous, long-time member JoAnne Miller, YOUR gift by midnight, April 22nd will be matched, dollar for dollar—up to $6,000!
JoAnne carries on the Earth Day Matching Gift Challenge in memory of her husband, Lincoln Miller, and she hopes to inspire YOU to support Population Connection the way she and Lincoln did since they first joined our organization in 1970.
Would you consider making a gift of $35.00 now? Your generous contribution will be DOUBLED.
You know that human population growth—and the resulting increase in human pressure on the environment—is a critical factor in climate change. Yet, it’s seldom discussed in news coverage of the issue. Thanks to supporters like you, Population Connection never shies from making the “population connection” between population growth and global environmental problems—especially climate change.
Fortunately, there’s a relatively simple, affordable solution at hand: Universal access to family planning options and access to safe reproductive health care. By empowering women and girls through family planning and education, we can combat climate change! And the small investment required to ensure access to modern contraceptives for people everywhere would pay enormous dividends for our environment and human well-being.
Our matching gift sponsor JoAnne Miller remains steadfast in her commitment to tackling population growth as a way to lessen human impacts on the environment. Do you?
I hope you accept her challenge and make your most generous gift of $35.00 now!
Together, we can prevail in the fight for a more sustainable, less-crowded future. Thank you for all that you do for people and our planet.
With high hopes,

John Seager
President and CEO