Here's the situation: Our campaign team is meeting on Monday to map out our May digital ads plan, and we're still short by about 25% of what we'll need to start off strong.
I just checked the numbers: If we can raise another $3,217 before Monday, we'll be able to invest in the right digital tools to fight back against the blatant misinformation that's already showing up on Facebook feeds across our district.
It's critical that we have a fully-funded Facebook ads campaign, since we know Facebook is the single-most-important online platform for voters in our community. We simply can't afford to miss this goal. If we fall behind now, it'll be that much harder to catch up in the months ahead.
But, here's the good news, team: If everyone reading this email chipped in even just ten dollars right now, we'd get there in no time.
I won't have time to check the numbers again personally before Monday, so I hope I can count on you to contribute what you can to help us get ahead and stay ahead in this must-win race.
Here's the link to donate:
I know this grassroots movement can accomplish incredible things together -- I've seen it firsthand. Thanks for always being in my corner, and for all that you do for our campaign.
Have a great weekend -- I'll check back in again after our Monday meeting.
-- Andy

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Andy Kim for Congress
P.O. Box 211
Marlton, NJ 08053
United States
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