From Darrin Camilleri <>
Subject Student Debt Relief
Date April 17, 2021 3:38 PM
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Hi John,

Student loans are continuing to hold working people back. That’s why I urged Secretary Cordona to follow through on his commitment to tackle student debt by taking bold action -- specifically by taking the steps necessary to forgive up to $50,000 in federally held student debt per borrower.

I am proud to join the likes of Senator Elizabeth Warren and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who’ve already taken the lead on advocating for this bold action. In doing so, this Administration can free millions of Americans from existing student debt, improve economic outcomes and encourage millions of our citizens to pursue higher education.

As of 2020, Americans held approximately $1.5 trillion in student debt -- more than double the amount that existed just fifteen years ago. With widespread wage stagnation, it is no surprise that approximately one in ten Americans have defaulted on a student loan at some point in their lives, a statistic that will surely be made worse by the record unemployment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

As a Democrat I’m proud to push our party in a bolder direction -- advocating for education as a human right means fighting for policies that actually make education more accessible to working people. I need your help to continue this fight -- if you’re able to, please make a donation today: [[link removed]] .

We’re $3,000 short of our April fundraising goal and every dollar raised from this email allows me to spend more time legislating and advocating for the progressive change we need: [[link removed]]

Many thanks for your ongoing support,

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Friends of Darrin Camilleri
PO Box 818
Trenton, MI 48183
United States
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