You know the basic realities by now:
- Every other wealthy nation provides some form of guaranteed universal health care.
- The United States is alone in subjecting its people to an outdated and inhumane for-profit health care “system.”
- We spend more per capita on health care than the citizens of any other country.
- Yet we are behind countless other countries on practically every key health metric.
- The COVID-19 pandemic has — if we needed more evidence — once and for all exposed how deficient our for-profit, employment-based health care “system” is.
Call it American exceptionalism, I guess.
There is an obvious way to fix this — Medicare for All.
Public Citizen has been a leader in the push to win Medicare for All going back literally decades.
Now, an idea that was once (wrongly) dismissed as “wishful thinking” is supported — indeed, demanded — by a majority of Americans.
Representatives Pramila Jayapal and Debbie Dingell have reintroduced a Medicare for All bill in Congress.
Public Citizen — along with allies like Daily Kos, Democracy for America, The Other 98%, and the Working Families Party — is urging Congress to support Medicare for All.
Tell Congress:
Support Medicare for All and ensure that every person is guaranteed quality health care regardless of their ability to pay.
Add your name.
Thanks for taking action.
For progress,
- Robert Weissman, President of Public Citizen
P.S. For half a century, Public Citizen has been advancing policies that put the needs of everyday Americans before the greed of billionaires and Big Business. That legacy of progress and that ongoing work could not matter more right now, as our nation transitions to a Joe Biden presidency that will be as progressive as we — you and Public Citizen, together — make it. We’re also busy undoing all the damage Trump did. And, like so many nonprofits and small businesses, we continue to experience financial strain related to the coronavirus pandemic. If you can, please make an emergency donation today to support the critical work we’re doing together or even join our popular Monthly Giving program. Thank you.
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