Yesterday, Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts introduced a bill to add four seats to the United States Supreme Court.
- He noted that Mitch McConnell and Republicans stole seats on the Supreme Court.
- First they refused to even consider President Obama’s nominee when Justice Antonin Scalia died with 11 months remaining in Obama’s presidency.
- Then they hastily confirmed Donald Trump’s nominee to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg only one week before the presidential election last fall.
- Sen. Markey was joined by Representatives Jerry Nadler and Mondaire Jones of New York and by Representative Hank Johnson of Georgia.
- Many people are surprised to learn that the number of Supreme Court justices is not set forth in the Constitution and that it has, in fact, changed many times throughout our nation’s history.
With today’s Republican Party having adopted a scorched-earth crusade to block popular policies, it has never been more important to have a balanced Supreme Court that is not out of step with the views of everyday Americans.
There is nothing that is *not* on the line — including voting rights, racial justice, reproductive rights, environmental protections, and corporate accountability.
Join Public Citizen in urging your members of Congress to support Senator Markey’s bill to restore balance to the Supreme Court by adding four new justices.
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For progress,
- Robert Weissman, President of Public Citizen
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