From WE ACT <>
Subject WE ACT Update: EHJLT Now Online, New Grants, & All Our Earth Week Events
Date April 16, 2021 8:29 PM
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Learn Environmental Advocacy with Online EHJLT Classes

Our award-winning ([link removed]) Environmental Health and Justice Leadership Training ([link removed]) (EHJLT) program helps develop leaders who can advocate on behalf of their community. But the pandemic has made in-person training a challenge. So, thanks to the generosity of TAZO ([link removed]) , the tea company committed to climate justice, we are now able to offer this training online. This spring and summer we’ll be offering four programs running from 6-7:30 PM EDT: Intro to Environmental Justice & Climate Justice, Climate Justice & Resiliency, Environmental Justice 101, & Introduction to Community Organizing. Learn More & Sign Up ([link removed])

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The Kresge Foundation Supports Our Climate Justice Work

We are excited to report that the Kresge Foundation has provided a generous grant to fund our Heat, Health & Equity work, in which we are working with members of the community, researchers, city and state agencies, and other organizations to address the health impacts of extreme heat. Extreme heat is the deadliest impact of climate change, and it hits communities of color the hardest. Thanks to Kresge, we’re working on programs and policies at the City & State level to address this. Learn More ([link removed])

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The New York Community Trust Supports Our East Harlem Work

We are also excited to report that the New York Community Trust has provided a generous grant to ensure that changes coming to East Harlem, driven largely by the extension of the Second Avenue Subway line, take into account the community’s vision for a greener, culturally vibrant neighborhood that does not displace businesses or crowd-out affordable housing. Learn More ([link removed])

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Get Ready to Run for WE ACT!

It’s almost here! It’s almost happening! Our Earth Day virtual 5K fundraiser starts tomorrow, April 17, but you have all week to participate. Learn More & Register Here ([link removed])

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Taylor Morton Talks Climate Justice Education on TAZO Panel

Taylor Morton will be talking about climate justice and environmental justice education at 12:30 PM EDT on April 19 as part of TAZO Presents: Strengthening our Connections to Build Collective Action in the Fight for Climate Justice, a panel discussion at the 2021 Power Shift Convergence. Taylor will be joined by Diandra Marizet from Intersectional Environmentalist ([link removed]) and Sarah Anderson from American Forests ([link removed]) – both of which, like WE ACT, are supported by TAZO ([link removed]) as part of its commitment to climate justice. RSVP ([link removed])

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Earth Day Mayoral Candidates Forum

Join us at 6:00 PM EDT on April 22 for a Mayoral Candidates Forum with the New York League of Conservation Voters, South Bronx Unite, ALIGN, New Yorkers for Parks, Riders Alliance, Transportation Alternatives, the Trust for Public Land, Urban Green Council, & the Wildlife Conservation Society. WE ACT will be hosting individual mayoral candidate briefings throughout May, but here’s your chance to see them all together. RSVP ([link removed])

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Charles Callaway Talks to Small Business Leaders About SUNS

Charles Callaway will be talking about SUNS, our solar workers cooperative, at the New York City Department of Small Business Services’ Innovative Business Models and the Green Economy panel at 2:30 PM EDT on April 21. Come learn how our solar workers cooperative and other businesses are keeping wealth in the community, bridging the racial wealth gap, and fueling prosperity for their employees. RSVP ([link removed])

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Next week is Earth Week! Here is a list of events we encourage you to participate in (all times are EDT):

April 17-25 – WE ACT’s Earth Day Virtual 5K Fundraiser
Run or walk – or support those who do. In what’s become an annual Earth Day tradition, we invite you to participate in our virtual 5K fundraiser. Celebrate Earth Day all week with a run or a walk to raise funds to support our work. Learn More & RSVP ([link removed])

April 18, 5:15 PM – Taylor Morton Talks Beauty Inside Out with Rosdely Ciprian
Taylor Morton will discuss our Beauty Inside Out campaign ([link removed]) with Broadway actor Rosdely Ciprian ([link removed]) on the Earth Day Initiative’s Virtual Stage. RSVP ([link removed])

April 19, 12:00 PM – Taylor Morton Talks Climate Justice
Taylor Morton will be do some virtual tabling as part of the Earth Day Initiative’s Virtual Festival, talking about climate justice with everyone who stops by. RSVP ([link removed])

April 20, 9:45 AM – Albany Advocacy Day with Sonal Jessel & Yuwa Vosper
As part of our JustGreen Partnership, Sonal Jessel and Yuwa Vosper will help lead a virtual advocacy day to advance New York State legislation banning toxic chemicals from products that impact our community. Learn More & RSVP ([link removed])

April 20, 12:00 PM – Peggy Shepard Talks About Climate Justice
Peggy Shepard will be on the New York University School of Professional Studies Energy, Climate Justice, and Sustainability Lab’s Climate Justice Work in American Cities panel. RSVP ([link removed])

April 20, 1:00 PM – Peggy Shepard Talks Pollution, Health, & Justice
Peggy Shepard will be on the Pollution, Health, and Justice panel as part of Yale University’s New Horizons in Conservation Conference. RSVP ([link removed])

April 20, 7:00 PM – Taylor Morton at the We Shall Breathe Summit
Taylor Morton will talk about climate and environmental justice at the Hip Hop Caucus’ We Shall Breathe Earth Day Summit. RSVP ([link removed])

April 21, 1:00 PM – Sonal Jessel Talks Environmental Justice Policy
Sonal Jessel will discuss environmental justice policy and practice in New York State and at the federal level as part of the Rockefeller Institute’s Environmental Justice - New Policy Directions panel. RSVP ([link removed])

April 21, 2:30 PM – Charles Callaway Talks About Our Solar Workers Cooperative
Charles Callaway will discuss the SUNS solar workers cooperative at Innovative Business Models and the Green Economy, the NYC Department of Small Business Services’ Earth Day panel showcasing employee ownership. RSVP ([link removed])

April 22, 1:00 PM – Peggy Shepard Talks About Biden’s Climate Plan
Peggy Shepard will be on the Climate Group's panel discussion: “Biden 100 Days: Can the US take the lead in averting climate catastrophe?” RSVP ([link removed])

April 22, 1:00 PM – Taylor Morton at the Climate Action and Environmental Justice Summit
Taylor Morton will talk about climate and environmental justice at the Climate Action and Environmental Justice Summit. RSVP ([link removed])

April 22, 5:00 PM – Sonal Jessel Discusses Environmental Racism on Learning Unwrapped
Sonal Jessel will be part of a special Earth Day panel discussion on Dr. Nancy Sulla's internet talk show, Learning Unwrapped. Watch Live ([link removed])

April 22, 6:00 PM – A Greener City Hall: A Conversation with NYC Mayoral Candidates
We have joined forces with NYLCV, South Bronx Unite, ALIGN, New Yorkers for Parks, Riders Alliance, Transportation Alternatives, Trust for Public Land, Urban Green Council, & Wildlife Conservation Society for a Mayoral Candidates Environmental Forum
. RSVP ([link removed])

April 22, 7:00 PM – Taylor Morton Talks About Water & Other Environmental Justice Issues
Taylor Morton will participate in an Earth Day panel discussion about water and other environmental justice issues with the Mid-Manhattan NAACP. RSVP ([link removed])

April 22, 7:30 PM – Kerene Tayloe Talks Environmental Racism & Justice
Kerene Tayloe will be on a Central Square Theater panel discussing environmental racism and justice. RSVP ([link removed])

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Uptown Chats:
NYS DEC Commissioner Basil Seggos

Join us at 6:00 PM EDT on Tuesday, May 5 for our Uptown Chats with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Basil Seggos. Seggos was instrumental in the passage of the state's best-in-nation law to address climate change, the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, and now serves as the co-chair of its implementing body, the Climate Action Council. RSVP ([link removed])

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Peggy Shepard Joins Aclima Advisory Board

Peggy Shepard has joined the Aclima Advisory Board to help guide the development of science and technology that supports emissions reductions, public health, and environmental justice for and with communities. Aclima ([link removed]) is a Public Benefit Corporation that uses hardware and software to measure and analyze air pollution and greenhouse gases block by block and around the world. Other members include: Dr. Sacoby Wilson, Associate Professor and Director, Community Engagement, Environmental Justice, and Health (CEEJH), University of Maryland; Margaret Gordon, Co-founder and Co-director of the West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project; Gloria Walton, President and CEO, The Solutions Project; Heather McTeer Toney, Climate Justice Liaison, Environmental Defense Fund and Senior Management Advisor, Moms Clean Air Force; Christine Harada, Vice President of Government Affairs, Heliogen; and Kerry Duggan, Principal, SustainabiliD. Learn More
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