Shifting sands in the Middle East are bring incredible changes
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Saudi, UAE, Bahrain Send Striking Blessings for Jewish New Year
Shifting sands with Trump, Israel and the Middle East are bring incredible changes
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CAIR's Zahra Billoo Throws Anti-Semitic Fit
Islamists can't handle being pushed out
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Anti-Islamist Tarek Fatah Attacked by Pakistani Mob in NY
Do they also support Pakistan's threats of nuclear war against India?
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Antifa Blocks, Berates Elderly Woman Using Walker
Ironically, she was trying to attend a free speech event
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Readers Write
Facebook Generates Content for Jihadis
“Is that not aiding and abetting an enemy?”
- J.K.
Trying to Understand Why the World Is Feting Iran?
“This is a good read. Pay attention.”
- D.B.
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