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Hi John,


🎉 A historic year for the Working Families Tax Credit 🎉

This session, both the state House and Senate passed a yearly expanded Working Families Tax Credit in a near-unanimous vote!! The overwhelming support of lawmakers to expand eligibility and fully fund the Working Families Tax Credit is HUGE! It is a gigantic step toward rebalancing Washington’s unfair tax code and signifies a shift toward providing direct cash assistance to ensure a baseline of financial stability for Washingtonians.

🤩THANK YOU for signing in pro, testifying, contacting your lawmakers, and all your advocacy this session and over the LAST 13 YEARS to finally get an expanded, annual Working Families Tax Credit through the legislature!


As the bill heads to the governor’s desk to be signed into law, e-mail your lawmakers thanking them for their support and urge them to continue taking steps to rebalance Washington's upside-down tax code.

Final push for state budget investments...

With the end of session quickly approaching (Sunday, April 25), it’s time for a final push to pass long overdue investments to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. For the first time since the state legislature began slashing TANF in a short-sighted attempt to balance the budget during the Great Recession a decade ago, this year both the House and Senate proposed increased investments to the state’s TANF program:

  • A 15% increase to the monthly TANF cash grant (+$85/month for a family of three);
  • An $80/month diaper benefit; and
  • Continuing increased access to TANF by extending measures put in place during COVID-19.

Tell your lawmakers to include ALL of these investments so that families across Washington are better equipped to reach financial stability.

Check out our bill tracker for updates on important bills this session.