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Midcentury Emissions Deadlines Won't Save Us

Joe Biden is preparing for a climate summit at the White House on Earth Day this month. Meanwhile, new science shows that the climate crisis is accelerating and demanding greater emergency measures. In a new piece for The Washington Post, PPI's climate policy expert Paul Bledsoe addresses the urgent need to cut down on super pollutants, and what changes we can make right away that will spare us entire degrees of climate change. 

"Slashing emissions by 2050 isn’t enough. We can bring down temperatures now."
by Paul Bledsoe, The Washington Post

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New From The Experts 


> 🗣 Workers Have Spoken

Are progressives listening? Amazon workers in Bessemer, Alabama voted against unionizing this past week –– a warning bell to Democrats that hostility to businesses isn't the way to win over working class voters. PPI President Will Marshall does a deep-dive on the issue in a new op-ed. → "Amazon workers have spoken — are progressives listening?" by Will Marshall, The Hill

> Carrots, Sticks, and Failing Schools

What do we do when a school is failing? More importantly, what do we do when a failing school is also failing to get better? In a new piece for The 74, RAS Director David Osborne discusses replacing schools –– not the buildings, but the adults who work in them –– as a solution, and the incentives needed to ensure school quality. → "How Can We Make School Quality Matter? By Creating Consequences for Success and Failure," by David Osborne, The 74 

> Serious Climate Diplomacy

Biden has made climate a focal point of his presidency, with aims to make massive reductions in U.S.-generated carbon emissions. In a new op-ed, PPI Strategic Advisor and lead climate expert Paul Bledsoe discusses the need for "nuclear negotiations" on climate commitments with China and Russia.  → "Biden must compel China and Russia to act on climate," by Paul Bledsoe, The Hill

> We Should Vaccinate the World, and Here's How

Pandemics require global action and global vaccination to end them, which presents a challenge for Biden and the pharma industry. Suspending patent rights to vaccines could make it easier to produce them, but it would ruin the R&D incentives that could help create vaccines for future pandemics. Innovation Policy Director Caleb Watney says there's a way to boost R&D and increase global vaccine productions, and the details are outlined in a new piece for Agglomerations. → "How the US can solve the global vaccine shortfall," by Caleb Watney, Agglomerations
👂We're All Ears
Can charter schools help improve America's education system? Tressa Pankovits and Curtis Valentine from the Reinventing America's Schools Project at PPI join the show to discuss charter schools and school choice.
Caleb Watney joins the latest episode of the Some Politics Podcast from PPI's Center for New Liberalism with hosts Colin Mortimer, Arielle Kane and Daniel King. They discuss the case for buying out vaccine patents, the J&J suspension, and the intersection of health and R&D. 
🔥Hot Off the Press
> Fixing Democracy
A new piece from The Atlantic unpacks the policies that make up H.R. 1, also known as the For the People Act. The bill proposes a variety of solutions to patching up America's democracy and expanding voting rights, but it doesn't have widespread support. PPI Senior Fellow Anne Kim's at-large districts proposal is featured in the analysis from the Manhattan Institute's Reihan Salam. → 
"How to Fix H.R. 1," by Reihan Salam, The Atlantic 

> Climate Catch-Up
PPI's go-to climate policy expert Paul Bledsoe stays busy with a climate president in the White House. Read the latest climate reporting featuring Paul's climate expertise.
→ "Biden Wants Leaders to Make Climate Commitments for Earth Day,"
by Lisa Friedman,
 The New York Times
"Daily on Energy: Kerry struggling to lock down commitments from China and India," by Josh Siegel, The Washington Examiner
"Biden wants to buy EVs. Are there enough cars?,"
 by Arianna Skibell, E&E News
📊 Don't Miss This PPI Report

The Name: Rush to Judgment: House Antitrust Panel Misses the Mark on Digital Competition
The Game:
 A comprehensive analysis of the 400-page report on competition in digital markets from the House Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial and Administrative Law. "Its report is mainly a parable about the perils of bigness," writes report author Joe Kennedy and, "mostly missed the opportunity to grapple with real problems arising from the tech sector.

🗓 On the Calendar

Just Wrapped: April 14th @ 1:00 PM ET
Twitch Town Hall with Rep. Scott Peters (CA-52)

The Center for New Liberalism at PPI hosted Rep. Scott Peters (CA-52) for a Twitch Town Hall on climate. They unpacked the center-left approach to climate action, and the productive, pragmatic road to results on climate mitigation. 3,000 people attended live, don't miss out. 

Coming Up: April 21st @ 1:00 PM ET
Where Are All the Students: Dis-Enrollment in America

Join PPI’s Reinventing America’s Schools on Wednesday, April 21st at 1:00 p.m. ET for a one-hour Zoom webinar on the impact of parents dis-enrolling their children from public schools amid the COVID pandemic. Tune in to learn about how we got here, but more importantly, where we go next. 
📱In Your Newsfeed
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