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ADL Fall Event Dates Announced
ADL is excited to announce our Fall Event Calendar! In the fall, please join us for ADL’s Walk Against Hate, Never Is Now Summit and ADL In Concert Against Hate. You can also get involved throughout the year by attending our webinar series
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Fighting Hate From Home or an event in your community.
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Walk Against Hate: October 10, 2021
On October 10, step up with your families, friends, colleagues, teammates and communities for ADL’s virtual Walk Against Hate. Join individuals, corporations, non-profits, students, educators and more from across the country to speak out against bias and bigotry of all kinds. No matter how you participate, join ADL and show how you fight hate for good.
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Never Is Now: November 7-9, 2021 November 7-9, join thousands of experts, members of the community, business leaders and students for Never Is Now, the world's largest annual summit on antisemitism and hate. Never Is Now is the best way to learn about and discuss contemporary drivers of antisemitism and hate and find out how you can take action in combating bias of all kinds.
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Concert Against Hate: November 21, 2021 On November 21, celebrate with ADL supporters from across the country and around the world to share a night of music and inspiration honoring real-life heroes in the fight against injustice, extremism and hate of all kinds. Building on a more than 25-year tradition, we will lift up ordinary people who perform extraordinary acts of courage and compassion when confronted by hatred and bigotry and show our strength as a community fighting hate for good.
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Police Officer and Suspect Killed During Latest Attack on U.S. Capitol
Noah Ricardo Green was shot and killed by police on April 2, 2021 after he allegedly rammed a car into a barricade at the U.S. Capitol, and then exited his vehicle with a knife, attacking and killing United States Capitol police officer William Evans and wounding another officer.
The motivation for the attack is still
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under investigation , but according to a
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report by the Washington Post , many of his family and friends regarded him as “unmoored from reality” and suffering symptoms “that could have been related to drugs or mental illness,” including paranoia and suicidal thoughts.
Family and friends also noted Green’s religious fervor, which had emerged in recent years. Green’s social media posts indicate that he was an ardent follower of the
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Nation of Islam (NOI) and deeply revered its longtime leader,
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Louis Farrakhan , a figure of considerable controversy for his rabid and unapologetic hostility to Jews as well as his frequent invocations of wild conspiracy theories.
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Neo-Nazi Atomwaffen Leader Pleads Guilty to Hate Crime for Mailing Poster of Molotov-Wielding Grim Reaper to ADL Staffer
Cameron Shea, a leader of the
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neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division , pled guilty for his role in threatening journalists and advocates who worked to expose antisemitism, including members of ADL staff. He could spend more than a decade in prison.
"Shea pleaded guilty to one count of conspiring to commit three offenses against the United States: interference with federally-protected activities because of religion; mailing threatening communications; and cyberstalking. He also pleaded guilty to one count of interfering with a federally protected activity because of religion." -
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U.S. Department of Justice
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ADL Commemorates Yom HaZikaron and Celebrates Yom Ha'atzmaut
This week marked Yom HaZikaron (Memorial Day) and Yom Ha'atzmaut (Independence Day) in Israel. On Yom HaZikaron, we remember the country’s fallen soldiers and victims of terror. We join with Israel and remember the thousands who have died defending the Jewish state and in acts of terror. As Yom HaZikaron ends, we celebrate Israel’s 73 years of independence. Yom Ha’atzmaut Sameach! Happy birthday, Israel!
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ADL Washington, D.C. in the Local News
ADL Washington, D.C. staff are working to keep the public informed. Check out the links below to view news coverage of our work in our local communities:
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White Supremacist Propaganda Widespread In VA, DC, Elsewhere - (Patch)
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Study finds Virginia contributed to record number of propaganda efforts - (CBS19 News)
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ADL in the National News With the release of ADL's
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Online Hate and Harassment Survey and the
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Jewish Experiences with Antisemitism Survey from the past few weeks, ADL has been in the news across the nation. Click the links below to view national news coverage:
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Asian Americans report biggest increase in serious incidents of online hate and harassment during COVID-19 pandemic - (USA TODAY)
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The Technology 202: Activists want to school Congress on extremism ahead of CEO hearing - (The Washington Post)
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New ADL survey: Nearly one in 10 Jews physically attacked over the last five years - (Forward)
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1 in 4 American Jews has experienced anti-Semitism since 2016, ADL finds - (Jewish Telegraphic Agency)
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ADL Washington, D.C. Twitter Spotlight ADL Washington, D.C. offers timely information, statements and resources in response to regional and national trending topics via Twitter. Check out the links below to see what we are Tweeting about:
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Maryland Task Force on Preventing & Countering Domestic Terrorism
- Maryland:
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ADL Washington, D.C. Calls for Delegate Dan Cox to Apologize for Comments on House Floor
- Virginia:
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Officer Fired After Disturbing Traffic Stop Went Viral
- Transgender Legislation:
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Why are States Trying to Ban Transgender Student Athletes?
- Capitol Insurrection:
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Women Made Up 14% of Those Who Have Been Charged
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ADL Education Webinar: Examining and Challenging Bias in Schools
Join us for our next educator webinar on examining and challenging bias in schools. We will examine recent events targeting marginalized communities and the lasting impact it has on students. We will talk about strategies educators of all ages can use in schools to challenge incidents of bias at the microlevel to prevent the escalation of hate in our school communities. Please preregister for this event scheduled on Wednesday, April 28th at 4:30 PM ET.
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Register Here
Is Your Synagogue Part of ADL’s Signature Synagogue Program?
ADL Washington, D.C.'s Regional Signature Synagogue Program is an important way to engage our community and ignite a congregation-wide commitment to raising awareness of and speaking out against antisemitism and hate. This program creates a unifying initiative for community education and engagement. Participants in the Signature Synagogue Program will have special direct access to ADL's programs, resources and learning opportunities. This is an ongoing year-long program where each synagogue will receive recognition of participation and granted a certificate of completion.
For more information,
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contact ADL Washington, D.C.
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