Momentum Builds to Protect Texas Children From Harmful Gender Procedures

The House Public Health Committee conducted a marathon hearing on Wednesday with bills and testimony being heard for nearly 16 hours. Our policy team testified throughout the day (and into the night) for several pro-family and religious freedom bills, including HB 1399 by Representative Matt Krause to protect vulnerable children from gender modification procedures and puberty-blocking drugs. At least 15 states are already considering bills to protect vulnerable children from gender transition procedures.

We are excited to report that HB 1399 was voted favorably out of committee last night and continues its momentum toward the House floor for final approval. We are also excited to report that SB 29 by Sen. Charles Perry to save women’s sports passed the Texas Senate this week. Please continue to take action to tell your State Representative to support and coauthor HB 1399 by Rep. Matt Krause!



Heartbeat Bill Passes House Committee, Needs Full Vote by Texas House

Momentum to protect life continues to build at the Texas Capitol! Yesterday, the Texas House Public Health Committee passed out the Texas Heartbeat Bill and other important pro-life bills, including the Preborn Nondiscrimination Act. The Heartbeat Bill, authored by Rep. Shelby Slawson in the House (HB 1515) and by Sen. Bryan Hughes (SB 8) in the Senate, has already passed the Texas Senate.

The bill now heads to the House Committee on Calendars to schedule the bill for a vote by the full Texas House. Pro-life Texans need to continue to urge their state representative to support the Heartbeat Bill, which would protect the lives of the unborn from the moment a heartbeat is detected, and encourage House leadership to schedule these bills immediately for a vote on the House floor.



Join Our Legislative Advocacy Training

We are excited to invite you to join our Legislative Advocacy 102 seminar on Friday, April 23rd at 12 PM (CST). The Legislative Advocacy 102 seminar will be a virtual training event for everyone who wants to learn about the Texas legislative process and how to be an effective advocate for faith, family & freedom at the Texas Capitol. Our professional policy team, with over 25 years of collective experience in the Texas legislative process, will give a presentation on many timely topics. Register today.

School Board Voter Guides Available

Many local governments across Texas have local elections on Saturday, May 1. Early voting begins next week on April 19. It is important to elect principled pro-family, pro-life leaders in local governments across Texas. We are excited to announce School Board Election Voter Guides are available in 20 Texas school districts with research and evaluations of over 160 school board candidates, powered by iVoterGuide. View Guides.


Texas Values Action is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of Texas Values, a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values Action, All rights reserved.


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Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220
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