Remember our Most Wanted Fund from the beginning of the month? We received so much enthusiasm about kicking these Special Interest Sycophants out that we decided to extend it to just one more person.
After all, we couldn’t leave the number one on the Most Wanted list out. Today we give you our Most Most Wanted MAGA Maniac: Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Over the past year, Taylor Greene has: refused to wear a mask or take the COVID-19 vaccine, gotten suspended from Twitter, and declared 9/11 an inside job.
And when forest fires were raging across the West Coast from the climate crisis, she wrote a multi-paragraph Facebook post blaming the fires on Jewish space lasers. The C6 Project is working around the clock to replace folks like Marjorie Taylor Greene and her conspiracy theorist pals with leaders who will prioritize the real climate crisis. Donate $6 to our Most Wanted Fund and help us elect Climate Champions who will stop extremists like Marjorie Taylor Greene and elect leaders who will take action on climate change >>>
Despite all of this, Taylor Greene raised $3.2 MILLION in her first three months in office. And thousands of that came from Big Oil and Big Gas.
We won’t lie to you, Team. Taylor Greene and her extremist buddies will be hard to unseat. She has millions from special interests and she’s got Trump by her side. That’s why we’re getting started early. We need to outraise, out-organize, and out-spend. Donate $6 to our Most Wanted Fund and help replace extremists like Marjorie Taylor Greene in 2022 >>>
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The C6 Project