After two weeks of voting from our community, it’s come down to the final matchup in our bracket between Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia.
Whoever receives the most votes between the two will be the recipient of our first targeted advertisement of the election cycle — and your voice can make the difference.
Both Sen. Johnson and Gov. Kemp have well-known records of undermining our democratic principles and spreading harmful misinformation — and both Republicans are among our top electoral targets to unseat in 2022.
We need your input: Should we run an opposition ad against Sen. Ron Johnson or Gov. Brian Kemp? Text BRACKET to 25998 to make your pick.*
With your help, we have the power to preserve our Democratic majority in Congress and win important governor seats next year. But if we’ve learned anything over the years, it’s that early investment in these races can make the difference.
Our community has already done so much to help shape our program, but we still need your thoughts. Can you let us know who you’d like to see featured on our first ad of the election cycle?
Text BRACKET to 25998 to make your pick.*
Thank you,
Alex Leichenger
Strategic Communications Manager
NextGen America