From Muslim Council of Britain <>
Subject Hasten to the remembrance of Allah.
Date April 16, 2021 11:36 AM
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Hasten to the remembrance of Allah.

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"O ye who believe! when the call is made for Prayer on Friday, hasten to the remembrance of Allah, and leave off all business. That is better for you, if you only knew. And when the Prayer is finished, then disperse in the land and seek of Allah’s grace, and remember Allah much, that you may prosper."
Surah al-Jumuah, Ch.62: V.10-11

At the Muslim Council of Britain, we strive to empower, connect and advocate for our network of affiliates across the UK, bringing the wider communities of which we are part together in pursuit of a more just society for all. You can support the expansive range of works undertaken by the MCB and help us grow our capacities to meet the urgent needs of our communities.

Your support will help us develop mosques through capacity building initiatives like Our Mosques Our Future, bring communities together through national campaigns like Visit My Mosque, tackle Islamophobia in the media through our dedicated Centre for Media Monitoring and run transformative projects like the Women in Mosques Development Programme, that cultivates the women mosque leaders of tomorrow, and Proudly Muslim and Black, which celebrates Black Muslim communities and addresses the anti-Black racism within our midst.

Make a difference with the MCB this Ramadan, support us as we continue to strive to serve Muslim communities across the UK:

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Zakat ([link removed])

Support and empower some of the most needed projects to continue to develop Mosques across the UK. Don’t just fulfil your obligation: fulfil the potential of your Zakat with Muslim Council of Britain.

“True piety is this: to believe in God, and the Last Day…to perform the prayer and to pay the Zakat.”
(Qur’an 2:177)

Visit My Mosque (VMM) is a national initiative facilitated by MCB and falls under the category of al-mu'allafat Qulobehim مؤلفة القلوب

Centre for Media Monitoring (CfMM) is a project of MCB and falls under the category of fi sabeelillah في سبيل الله from among the eight categories mentioned in the Qur'an surah Tawba verse 182.

When giving your Zakat through MCB, you can be sure that it will be used to support and empower some of the most needed projects to continue to support and develop Mosques across the UK.

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Where Most Needed ([link removed])

Help us create better Mosques and provide innovative and diversified projects to make a meaningful difference to our communities across the UK. By donating to the Where Most Needed fund you can be sure that your funds will be used to provide the best possible support to those projects most in need.

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Centre for Media Monitoring (CfMM) ([link removed])

A dedicated project to promote fair, accurate and responsible reporting of Muslims and Islam through constructive engagement with the mainstream British media and empowering grassroots British Muslim communities.

Elicit corrections with 24-48 hours to articles about Muslims and Islam which are factually incorrect or inaccurate. Highlight negative trends in the media whilst promoting good practices.

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The Muslim Council of Britain
PO Box 57330 London E1 2WJ
London, E1 2WJ
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