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The Left Wants to Silence You

Spencer Brown

The 'Russian Bounty' Story Falls Apart

Larry O'Connor

How to Start a War

Victor Davis Hanson

Biden's Fabled Bipartisanship

David Limbaugh

Dear President Biden: Don't Restrict Public Lands Access

Gabriella Hoffman

The Russian Bounty Story Erodes

Tim Graham

The Abiding Shame of 'Packing' the Supreme Court

Josh Hammer

Not Every Tragedy Is a Racial Lesson

Mona Charen

Biden Bids Farewell to a 'Forever War'

Pat Buchanan

Kristen Clarke Is Unfit to Be in Government

David Harsanyi

Workers Don't Share Democrats' Nostalgia for Unions

Michael Barone

For Our Children’s Sake, It’s High Time To Put Arrogant Public Employees In Their Place

Craig Shirley

Tribalism Breaks Our Bond With Truth

Erick Erickson

Imagine the Unthinkable

Dan Stein

Bay of Pigs Soldiers Should be Given Veteran Status

Larry Provost

Africans Deflect Biden’s Demand to End Fossil Fuel Use

Duggan Flanakin

Democrats Want to Give China America's Most Valuable Secrets

Ryan Ellis

Supreme Court Packing Plan Fulfills Power Grab Wishlist

Todd Young

Start Worrying: The Case Against The Case Against Inflation
The Issue Americans Care More About Than Coronavirus

Leah Barkoukis

BREAKING: Eight People Shot And Killed At FedEx Facility in Indianapolis

Matt Vespa

Exclusive: Rep. Jim Jordan Warns Left is After 'Pure Political Power' with Court Packing, Will Rig the System

Rebecca Downs

Biden's UN Ambassador Shamelessly Throws America Under the Bus

Rebecca Downs

Chicago Mayor Calls for Patience, Peace After Officer Involved Shooting Body Camera Footage Release

Spencer Brown

Boehner Sent a Copy of His Book to Ted Cruz. Here's Where He Put It

Rebecca Downs

You Can ALWAYS Count on Mitt Romney to Do the Wrong Thing...ALWAYS.

Matt Vespa

Bipartisan Beijing Boycott: Congressmen Call for ChiComs to Lose 2022 Olympics

Spencer Brown

Is This Why Twitter Slapped Project Veritas' James O'Keefe with a Permanent Ban?

Matt Vespa

White House Won't Directly Say If President Biden Supports Court Packing. Senator Biden Had a Different View.

Katie Pavlich

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
There's A Better Way To Improve Illinois' FOID System. Scrap It | Tom Knighton
ShotSpotter Under Scrutiny In Chicago After Police Shooting | Tom Knighton
Sen. Mike Lee Introduces Bill Easing Restrictions On Suppressors | Tom Knighton
Capitol Cop Won't Face Charges For Shooting Protestor | Tom Knighton
May Issue Carry Challenge from New Jersey Filed in Supreme Court: Russell v. New Jersey | John Petrolino