The latest NDIS news - without the spin or jargon No images? Click here Hi there, Great work! After receiving thousands of emails from people with disability, families, and supporters – Minister Reynolds has announced that she is pausing the roll-out of NDIS compulsory assessments. This is a step in the right direction – and there is no doubt that it has happened because of you. Because you took the time to send an email, contact your local MP, make a submission, send in a photo or shared the campaign. Because you stepped up, spoke out and made sure we couldn’t be ignored. But this is not over yet. Minister Reynolds has put the plans for assessments on pause - she has not thrown them out. After all of the recent leaks to the media we know there are many seriously concerning new changes on the way. That’s why it’s so important that we keep the pressure on. We need to make sure the Minister knows just how hard we’re willing to fight to stop these changes from ever going ahead. In case you missed itAutism consultationsThere has been so much happening lately with news about NDIS assessments that more terrifying changes to NDIS - this time for autistic children - have flown a bit under the radar. Our friends Katharine Annear and Nick Avery have written explainers to help us all make sense of the latest consultation papers from the NDIA. We have also heard from another friend of EAC - Carl Thompson. Carl has just left his job as a Local Area Coordinator in protest against the proposed NDIS changes. "NDIS CEOs and Ministers with their grand ideas about ‘reform’ come and go, but this is my life, and I am not going to be silent anymore." We’ll be in touch again soon to let you know what you can do to keep the pressure on. But for now, take a breath - we have gained more time, and made some serious noise. Yet again, we’ve proven how powerful our community is when we work together. Thank you for all that you do, The Every Australian Counts team |