Sign our
petition to corporate America to tell them to stop targeting conservatives for demanding stronger voter ID laws.
Did you see the news that Major League Baseball caved to the cancel culture and pulled the All-Star Game from Atlanta because of Georgia's new voter
integrity law requiring photo ID's?
I can't help but wonder whether or not people's IDs will be checked the next time they order a beer at a major league baseball game. I
sincerely hope so.
Our driver's licenses or identification cards are required to do just about anything in life - whether that's ordering a beer at a baseball
game, opening a cell phone account, or getting on an airplane.
Yet, cancel culture Democrats and their corporate allies don't seem to think that these ID cards should be required to vote in state or federal
Not in states with Republican-led governments, at least...
It turns out that Colorado, the new site of the MLB all-star game, and a state with Democrat-led government, also mandates people show their IDs to
Sign our petition to corporate America to
tell them to stop targeting conservatives for demanding stronger voter ID laws.
It's up to us to band together and reject cancel culture, whether it's pushed by big government liberals, big tech titans, big corporations, or anyone
else. They need to understand that "we the people" aren't going to take it anymore, and that going "woke"
means going "broke".
To accuse Republicans of voter suppression for passing voter ID laws is the ultimate hypocrisy - and I honestly cannot believe we're
having this discussion, especially with the crisis we're facing at our southern border.
Please add your voice to our message to
corporate America, telling them to stop targeting conservatives for demanding stronger voter ID laws.
How can the Biden administration even consider requiring vaccine passports for law-abiding Americans when they're still trying to figure out
who can and cannot vote?!
Our liberties and the integrity of our elections will be at stake until we take back control of Congress.
Please join me today!
For liberty,

Jim Jordan