Hi Friend,

Author Ayaan Hirsi Ali once said, “Political correctness is a weapon used to silence people who tell the truth.” 

Ayaan, a refugee, knows a thing or two about this. Ayaan has a remarkable and heroic story, as a survivor of female genital mutilation as a child in Somalia, and a woman who experienced true suppression growing up in Saudi Arabia.

We are thrilled to host Ayaan Hirsi Ali for our April Author Chat, and we hope you can join us as we discuss her newest book, Prey: Immigration, Islam, and the Erosion of Women's Rights.

In Prey, Ayaan bravely discusses the explosion of sexual violence and harassment in Europe’s cities, and how “no one in a position of power wants to admit that the problem is linked to the arrival of several million migrants—most of them young men—from Muslim-majority countries,” as the Amazon description reads.

Ayaan provides shocking statistics, criminal cases, and even personal testimony as a dire warning for Americans that these violent incidents in Europe, which are driven by their broken immigration system, could very well happen here if we fail to learn from their mistakes.

As an immigrant herself, she does not oppose immigration, but explains why it must entail integration into the responsibilities that underpin the rights of free societies.

By the looks of the rapidly deteriorating situation at the U.S. southern border and rise in sexual assault and human trafficking, American leaders better take notice… and action. 

You won’t want to miss this thought-provoking discussion next Thursday, April 22, at 1:00 p.m. ET. 

Register today, and grab a copy of Prey


Claudia Rosett