
In the last year, hate crimes against Asian Americans have increased by nearly 150%. That is stomach-churning. The people who commit these insidious crimes intend to terrorize entire communities – not just one person or property.

Immediate action is imperative.

Individual viral videos – no matter how horrifying – only tell part of the story. Better reporting from law enforcement might sound basic, but it's absolutely fundamental to understanding and addressing the full scope of the problem.

That's part of what would be improved by the NO HATE Act – a bill I authored in the Senate that would:

  • Streamline the national reporting systems used by law enforcement
  • Provide funding for training state and local law enforcement
  • Create a hate crimes hotline
  • Set up programs to rehabilitate offenders
  • Expand assistance and resources for victims of hate crimes

This is a critical step to stop the underreporting of these crimes and get the information needed to end this bigoted violence. I will continue to fight relentlessly in the Senate to advance this legislation and all other actions against hate crimes, but we all share a responsibility to speak out and do our part:

So please, will you sign your name now to demand the Senate take action to combat hate crimes? There is no time to waste when it comes to stopping this insidious hate.

Thank you for adding your voice on such an important and urgent issue.


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