Will you make a contribution to meet my $10,000 mid-month fundraising goal and invest in a Democratic Senate majority? Consider making it monthly to stay in this fight for a better future.

Jacky Rosen


I’ll be frank: Republicans aren’t happy about our Democratic Senate majority.

They are hard at work recruiting candidates and raking in corporate cash to bankroll attack ads against Democratic Senators -- including right here in Nevada, where we have a seat in play.

If we’re going to defeat the GOP and keep the Senate blue, we need to be ready for the fight. That’s why it’s so important that we meet our goals -- this month and every month.

I’m asking this team to help me meet my $10,000 mid-month fundraising goal by midnight tonight. Will you make a $5 contribution right now to invest in a Democratic Senate majority -- and consider making it monthly to stay with us in this fight for a better future?

We flipped this seat in 2018 and took back the Senate in January -- but the only way we can defend our Democratic majority is with grassroots support from people like you.

We only have a few hours left to band together and meet this $10,000 goal before the deadline.

Pitch in $5 or any amount now -- and consider making it a monthly gift, if you can!

Thank you,



