These numbers show the power of our grassroots movement.
Can I share a few important numbers with you?
If you logged into Team Ro’s ActBlue account right now, this is the first thing you would see:

These are our stats for the month of April so far. They show that our movement of grassroots supporters is strong. And I’m proud that our average donation is just $18.01.
But these numbers also show that we are still behind our mid-month goal of $15,000 – and our deadline is midnight tonight.
Can you help us meet our mid-month goal by making an $18.01 donation before midnight tonight? Your support helps fund our fight for a $15 minimum wage, Medicare for All, and a Green New Deal.
Since Ro doesn’t accept donations from corporate PACs, our campaign is powered by small-dollar donors giving whatever they can – whether that’s $18.01, $50, or just $3. And we wouldn’t have it any other way.
It means so much to know that our donations are coming from working folks who don’t always have money to spare – just last week, we received donations from a community college professor, a student, and a recently-retired service worker.
Donations like these help show us that our movement is resonating with working people – the very folks who Ro fights for every day in Congress.
We’re so close to meeting our goal. Will you please make a donation of whatever you can afford today to help us meet our goal of $15,000 by midnight tonight?
Donate $18.01 »
Thanks for your continued support,
Cooper Teboe