From Ron Paul <>
Subject No compromise
Date April 15, 2021 8:22 PM
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Dear Patriot,

When the political class bargains with
itself, the only guarantee is that everyone but the
well-connected loses big in the end.

The nearly $2.3 Trillion Biden
"Infrastructure" Scam is being countered by a Republican proposal
that would still cost Americans at least $650 Billion!

The political class thinks you'll see this as
a more reasonable proposal as they come to an agreement on a
middle ground that will most likely have a price tag north of $1

And that comes on the heels of the $5
Trillion in ADDITIONAL spending they've done over the past 13
months to bail themselves out of the mandatory coronavirus
depression . . . that they caused!

This is what passes for reasonable spending
in Washington, D.C. these days!

You and I know how unsustainable this is, but
neither side of the aisle is getting the message.

A quick check of the price of commodities
will show you the rampant inflation we're already seeing on
everything from food, to fuel at the pump, to lumber, to precious
metals and even cryptocurrency.

While this news may be welcomed by some
investors, the majority of Americans are having their wealth
stolen through this inflation, and the out-of-control spending by
Congress is very much to blame.

The reality is the cost of living is rising
much more quickly now than incomes are and it's pushing us
quickly toward an even worse economic collapse than 2008.

It's time to DEMAND Congress end this
spending spree IMMEDIATELY.

Sign the petition at once!

They think they still have us on the ropes
and we'll accept another spending package in the $Trillions as
our ticket out of the financial catastrophe of the past year.

The political class has used the financial
crisis they created with draconian lockdowns as their excuse for
Washington, D.C.'s addiction to multi-trillion dollar "bailouts,"
"stimulus packages," and now a proposed "infrastructure bill."

Whether through taxes or inflation and the
loss of purchasing power, you and I will pay for this
recklessness one way or another.

With the current price tag of the Biden
proposal being $2.3 Trillion, the big spending statists in
Congress know they have to make it look like it's being paid for.

That's why this bill includes a HUGE hike in
corporate taxes by a whopping 33%, going from the current 21% all
the way back up to 28%.

While spending was never brought under
control during the Trump administration, the tax cut bill he
signed in 2017 was a big part of fostering an economic turnaround
and historically low levels of unemployment.

Now the Biden administration wants to
severely raise the cost of doing business with this massive tax

Patriot, we are headed in the wrong direction
and quickly.

That's why I'm urging you to tell your U.S.
Senators and Representative to oppose this bill immediately --
sign the petition at once!

Once you do, please consider a donation of
$150, $75, $35, or as much as you can afford so we can keep the
pressure on Congress to stop this runaway spending spree of YOUR

Splashed throughout the Biden Infrastructure
scam is forced unionism. The words "collectively bargain" can be
found throughout their plan.

In fact, the Biden proposal seeks to unionize
the medical field through home health care and force people who
currently work in that field to start paying dues to the SEIU, a
100-year-old labor union favored by big city fat cats.

What does any of this have to do with

Patriot, this is cronyism at its absolute
worst! The Biden administration, in their own words, is using
this massive spending package to prop up labor unions who force
their members to pay dues which then go to fund political

Sign the petition to stop this madness!

As if all the giveaways to unions in this
so-called "infrastructure deal" wasn't bad enough, many elements
of "The Green New Deal" boondoggle are also rearing their ugly
head in this bill, including:

>>Forcing states and utilities to phase out
fossil fuels even after we witnessed massive and extended power
outages in Texas this year because of over-reliance on wind and
solar power.

>>"Re-engineering" our nationwide power grid
to banish fossil fuels by 2035, even though they currently make
up 50% of our electricity generation.

>>Paying out $40 billion to a Dislocated
Workers Program and $10 billion "Civilian Climate Corps" when the
policy costs tens of thousands of jobs -- just like the shutdown
of the Keystone XL Pipeline did.

>>$213 Billion to tear down, rebuild, or
retrofit existing buildings and dwellings.

>>An additional $40 Billion in spending on
public housing for things like energy efficient lightbulbs.

We can't afford any of this and it will all
but guarantee long term economic ruin for our country.

Sign the petition to your U.S. Senators and
Representative to demand they stop this now!

You and I must oppose any of these
infrastructure deals, whether it's the Biden Plan, the
counterproposal or anything in between.

Any plan they come up with will be loaded
with unprecedented amounts of pork-barrel spending.

I urge you to contact Congress today and tell
them you see through this attempt to mortgage your future and
your freedoms in the process, so they must oppose it immediately.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. The political class has already spent $5
Trillion of our money after mandating that the economy shut down.
Now they'll stop at nothing to keep their endless scam going by
calling it "infrastructure."

Sign the petition to stop this fraudulent
plan immediately.

Then please consider a generous donation of
$150, $75, $35, or as much as you can afford at once.

If you'd prefer to donate via PayPal, please
click here.

The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to
promote and defend the great American principles of individual
liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets,
and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue
advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.

Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC
Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities,
contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions
(IRC &sect; 170) or as business deductions (IRC &sect;

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