It appears the Democrat majority in Congress will stop at almost nothing to ensure their majority remains a majority. Last Fall it was packing the Supreme Court and today, it is legislation to make D.C. (and other territories) a state.
House Republicans are fighting to protect babies while House Democrats are ramping up efforts to make the District of Columbia a state. We give you all of those details in this week’s Capitol Hill Update!
We, the Undersigned, petition our government and claim our right as free American citizens to accept or reject any treatments and medications, including vaccines, for any malady or illness.
We need you to lead an Eagle Forum chapter! Each voice is amplified many times over when joined with others. We have the good name, the information, the principles; we need more leaders. We also need each other to encourage and support our activism. Officeholders can easily discount one person, but if that person speaks for an organization with untold numbers of members, that person then has a platform to be heard.