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 News of the Week

New School Attendance Data Shows Steeper Drops for Students in Shelter, English Language Learners
Data released recently by the Department of Education for January shows students living in the shelter system saw the most absences, with a monthly attendance rate of 75.7 percent compared to the citywide rate for all students, which was 89.2 percent.

NYS Budget on Housing: Rent Relief Victory, Disappointment on NYCHA and Homelessness
While housing advocates say the budget deal included a major victory for tenants––creating a multi-billion dollar program for rent relief––it included less funds for NYCHA and homelessness prevention than stakeholders had hoped for.

How Would Andrew Yang’s Mayoral Rivals Have Answered that Abortion Question?
The Democratic frontrunner has taken heat for his answer to a question in 2020 about how he would explain his support for late-term abortion to people who support limited abortion rights.

Dinowitz and Feliz Appear to Prevail in Bronx Council Races
Ranked-choice voting tallies have been underway in the special elections that occurred March 23.

Policy Shop: Yang on Broadway, Donovan Talks Trash and the Summer of Scott
Plus, comptroller hopefuls on investing and sex crime, a DA candidate weighs in on cybercrime and calls for a tenant union.

How to Apply for COVID-19 Funeral Assistance Funds


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Una Ciudad sin Límites

  La Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA, por sus siglas en inglés) abre el 12 abril un programa nacional de ayuda a familias para el pago de los costos funerarios de víctimas del COVID-19.
  La Autoridad de la Vivienda de Nueva York (NYCHA por sus siglas en inglés) consiguió equilibrar sus cuentas el año pasado y una infusión de ayuda federal le ayudará a hacerlo en 2021. Sin embargo, el déficit presupuestario de $300 millones de dólares o más acecha a partir de 2022.

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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics

Opinion: Wage Theft Is Rampant in NY’s Construction Industry. Albany Can Act Now to Curb It.
‘We need Albany to act now. By addressing wage theft and giving exploited workers a more secure path to recouping unpaid wages we will be taking a major step towards making sure that immigrant workers are given the dignity entitled by their hard and important work.’

Opinion: NYC’s Next Mayor Must Focus on Eradicating Child Homelessness
‘New York State could receive $23 billion as part of the ARPA, representing a once-in-a-lifetime financial base to significantly reduce childhood homelessness, a condition that often sets up the cycle for homelessness as an adult.’

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