Latest PACER TV release! Today, RFA releases our first episode of PACER TV, with a video to explain the current system of Special Education Funding in Pennsylvania Charter Schools. David Lapp, RFA’s Director of Policy Research, created a model to demonstrate how charter school tuition rates for special education are skewed in many Pennsylvania communities by the following “Triple-Whammy” of problems: A false assumption in current law miscounts the number of students used to determine per pupil tuition rates, which often inflates the amount of tuition charter schools receive. Students with high-cost special education needs are often under enrolled in charter schools, which drives up per pupil costs in districts. Overpayments from #1 and #2 are baked into the calculation and compound into future years, further inflating charter tuition over time. This topic has received a lot of attention from policymakers, but there is still much confusion about how the current system works. This video from PACER is intended clear up that confusion. Check out the video below and share widely with education stakeholders. [link removed] 2021 Research for Action| Website Research for Action | Land Title Building, 100 South Broad Street, Suite 700, Philadelphia, PA 19110 Unsubscribe
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