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Just News

for April 15, 2021

News and views from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. Find more at For continuous updates, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.


NCRC Applauds HUD’s Effort To Reinstate Critical Fair Housing Rules
Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Affairs (HUD) took action to reinstate the critical 2013 Discriminatory Effects Rule which helps prevent discriminatory practices, and restore crucial portions of the 2015 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule which ensures that communities that receive federal funds take steps to eliminate barriers to fair housing. [Read more]

HUD Secretary Fudge To Speak At 2021 Just Economy Conference
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Marcia Fudge will be a featured speaker at the 2021 Just Economy Conference, which will be held online beginning May 3. Other confirmed speakers include U.S. Senators Elizabeth Warren and Sherrod Brown, Federal Reserve Board Chair Jerome Powell and Pulitzer-prize winning journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones. [Read more] [Register now]


The BIPOC Caregiver
By Namatie Mansaray
Our care systems, deeply rooted in racial and gender inequities for those providing paid and unpaid care work, are in need of an overhaul. [Read more]

Women, Men, Race And Economic Inequality
By Dedrick Asante-Muhammad and Sally Sim
Women have made great strides in the workplace, comprising nearly half of the workforce, and surpassing men in higher education achievement. Yet, women still make less income, have less wealth, and face greater economic instability than men. [Read more]

Field Notes

Simone Smillie: DC Women’s Business Center Founder Feature
By Monti Taylor
Simone Smillie, a native New Yorker, moved to Washington, D.C., in 2016 to pursue her graduate degree in Development Economics at American University. After graduating, Smillie started a new job as an analyst in Downtown D.C. She planned to launch her business, Mutani’s Pocket, in March 2020, but the pandemic took hold and delayed her launch until August. [Read more]


Racial Wealth Snapshot: Women, Men And The Racial Wealth Divide
By Dedrick Asante-Muhammad and Sally Sim
Women have made great strides in the workplace, comprising nearly half of the workforce, and surpassing men in higher education achievement. Yet, women still make less income, have less wealth and face greater economic instability than their male counterparts. [Read More]

Black Entrepreneurship’s Lethal Pre-Existing Condition: The Racial Wealth Divide During The COVID Crisis
By Dedrick Asante-Muhammad, Dr. Jared Ball, Jamie Buell, Joshua Devine
Much like the impact on individuals, the severity with which COVID-19 continues to ravage Black businesses has everything to do with their precondition. To focus primarily on the negative impact of COVID-19 on Black businesses fails to recognize the poor economic health of Black entrepreneurs and small businesses before the COVID crisis and the pre-existing conditions which set the context for recent trends. [Read More]


Forum & Hub
NCRC members: Don't forget you have access to our forum and member hubLearn more about membership here. You can join as an organization or an individual.

2021 Fair Lending Tool (Public Preview Ends This Week)
This interactive allows users to produce a report on mortgages, small business lending and bank branch networks for any city, county or metro area in the nation. [Access the tool here]

NCRC COVID-19 Resource Page
We've compiled and are updating an index of COVID-19 resources for communities, small businesses, individuals and organizations that serve them, such as housing counseling agencies. [Read more]


ZIP Code Matters: Documentary Screening And Panel Discussion
April 29, 6:00 pm EST - 7:30 pm EST
Join NCRC's Director of Research Jason Richardson and other experts for a special virtual screening of a new documentary, followed by a panel discussion to further explore how our life outcomes are shaped by where we live. [Register now]

2021 Just Economy Conference
May 3-4
Come to the national online event for community, policy, government, business and foundation leaders who work for fairness in lending, housing and business, and to make all Americans equal parts of the formula for national success. [Register now]

In the News

Black Millennials Are Buying More Homes Than Previous Generations
By Christian Spencer, Black Enterprise 
“A radical increase in Black homeownership is needed to see progress in bridging Black and White homeownership and wealth inequality. One of the defining factors of economic well-being for individuals and families is household net worth or wealth, but not all families are equal,” according to National Community Reinvestment Coalition, which stated that there is a homeowner rate gap between 20% and 30% amongst Black and White people that has persisted for more than 100 years. [Read More]

The Rise Of Gentrification In DC And How It Affects Black History
By Jordyn Habib, Her Campus
The National Community Reinvestment Coalition found that from 2000 to 2013 20,000 Black D.C. residents were displaced due to gentrification. [Read More]

A New Day Dawns On First Horizon
By Naomi Snyder, Bank Director
“Banking organizations in the South are not exactly thought of as the paragon of progressive policies, particularly in regard to race,’’ says NCRC CEO Jesse Van Tol, who grew up in Memphis. “I think Bryan has set First Horizon up as a leader.” [Read More]

On Our Radar

Trump Scrapped Two Fair Housing Rules; Biden Is Bringing Them Back
By Kriston Capps, Bloomberg
The pair of Obama-era rules barring discrimination were suspended late in the Trump Administration, as part of the ex-president’s campaign to dismantle fair housing regulations. [Read More]

Opinion: Biden’s Tax Plan Could Bring The World Closer To A Level Playing Field For Capital
By Editorial Board, The Washington Post
The proposal may fall short, but it’s a worthy global goal. [Read More]

House Panel Advances Bill To Study Reparations In Historic Vote
By Nicholas Fandos, The New York Times
The legislation, which would create a panel to consider reparations for slavery, is being considered as President Biden works to address racial inequity. [Read More]
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