This podcast episode is in honor of Black Maternal Health Week.
Email from Physicians for Reproductive Health

Dear John,

Pregnancy loss is incredibly common but patients rarely receive the support they need. PRH President & CEO Dr. Jamila Perritt talked with NPR Life Kit about how we can do more. 

This Life Kit episode is in honor of Black Maternal Health Week and in collaboration with NATAL, a podcast docuseries about having a baby while Black in the US.


NPR Life Kit quote from Dr. Jamila Perritt

Black women are twice as likely to experience pregnancy loss than white women and they face more obstacles to getting the holistic, patient-centered care they need.

Dr. Perritt says, “integrated care means really putting the person experiencing pregnancy loss at the center of the care model and building out from there” and she urges health care providers to work collaboratively to connect patients to community resources.

In our ongoing work to improve Black maternal health, we will continue following the lead of organizers—like Sisters in Loss and National Black Doulas Association—as we leverage the power of our physician advocates.

In solidarity,

Signature of Sara Kirkwood

Sara Kirkwood (she/her/hers)
Senior Director, Engagement