We only have 6 months to stop politicians from rigging our elections for the next decade. Our Gerrymandering Threat Index lays out the risks in every state, and it's already been covered by Axios, Newsmax and The Guardian — raising the alarm that 188 million people are in danger of having their voices silenced by partisan politicians.
Reaching people with these articles and on social media is the best way to spread the word that, unless we act now, voters will face a decade of gerrymandered maps.
Will you share the 2021 Gerrymandering Threat Index with everyone you know so they can see the risk in their state? Knowledge is power. By spreading the word, you'll help mobilize more people to stop politicians from picking their voters by rigging election maps this year.

Sharing this page isn’t about racking up the likes or seeming interesting to your friends — it’s the best way to alert your circles to the threats of gerrymandering and rally your community to stop them.
The response to our Gerrymandering Threat Index has been overwhelmingly positive. But we need to reach even more Americans if we’re going to stop politicians from rigging our districts.

That’s where you come in. We can’t mobilize people to take action if they don’t know the problem exists. Will you share our Gerrymandering Threat Index with your friends and family so they can take action?
Thanks for doing your part to spread the word,
Jen Johnson Movement Director RepresentUs