
Philadelphia Police just announced they’re bringing the NRA’s Eddie Eagle gun safety program to Philadelphia.¹

Yes, the NRA. The same group that has spent years fighting against gun safety not just in Philadelphia, but across Pennsylvania. The same group whose corruption is being revealed in court this week. And, the same program that research shows doesn’t work.

The NRA has no place educating our children. Add your name.

The NRA's Eddie Eagle program claims to teach what to do when they encounter a firearm to promote gun safety. But in reality, it is a propaganda tool used by the organization to argue that we don't need new gun safety legislation

I want to be clear: CeaseFirePA supports effective gun safety training for adults and kids, and more effective efforts like promoting safe storage and gun lock giveaways. We'll need that until we pass comprehensive gun safety policies.

But, we'll never support the NRA being the teacher when they've fought life-saving policies every step of the way. And pediatric research has shown their program isn’t even effective.²

Ultimately, the responsibility to practice gun safety shouldn’t fall on kids. But until we implement proven solutions at curbing gun violence like safe storage and background checks, these programs are needed. That doesn’t mean we should be handing kids NRA coloring books.

Gun education and safety are critical. Propping up the gun lobby is not. Tell the Philadelphia Police Department to break with the NRA and invest in alternate, effective, programming instead.

Adam Garber
Executive Director, CeaseFirePA

¹Jones, Layla A. and Danya Henninger. "Philly rec centers are hosting an NRA youth gun program, police say. Studies show it’s not effective." April 14, 2021, Billy Penn.
²Master, Kate. "The NRA Says ‘Eddie Eagle,’ Not New Laws, Is the Way to Keep Curious Kids Away from Unsecured Guns." April 12, 2016, The Trace. 

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