The Push to Eradicate Gender Differences
John, Assembly Bill 1084 would require large retailers to identify a section of their toy departments as gender-neutral. Pacific Justice Institute - Center for Public Policy is one of the few groups opposing the measure, raising constitutional concerns. We at Pacific Justice Institute invite you to join us TODAY, Thursday, April 15th at 2pm PDT/ 5 pm EDT to discuss the following topics:
- How religious organizations are being "singled out", removed from social media platforms due to their beliefs and what steps can you take to protect yourself
- What you should know about California bills (AB 1084, AB 101, SB 397 and AB 1356), how PJI is "fighting them" and how to ensure biblical values are protected
- Steps churches can take when feeling pressure from government agencies
- Church Finds its Voice - How PJI is expanding its presence outside of CA to have a larger impact and support churches. How the current administration impacts our religious freedom and Civic Stewardship Sundays with Peter Mordh
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People have thanked us over and over again for these valuable Zoom calls saying they were "very helpful" and "critical for any person of faith" and "just what my church needs". We hope you will feel the same way.
Running the Race,
Brad Dacus with the
Pacific Justice Institute Team