Tomorrow, Sen. Budget Chair Bernie Sanders is introducing the End Polluter Welfare Act to eliminate an annual $15 billion in federal fossil fuel subsidies by closing tax loopholes and public land giveaways to Big Oil.
John, add your name if you stand with Bernie Sanders against giving our tax dollars to the worst big oil polluters!
Giving our tax dollars to big oil companies whose greedy profit-seeking has endangered the lives of every man, woman, and child on planet Earth is fundamentally wrong and unpopular.
If our democracy responded to public opinion instead of big money, this bill wouldn’t be controversial. Sadly, Big Oil has a grip over Republicans and the same corporate Democrats who are blocking voting rights.
As Bernie has said: “At a time when we are dealing with the coronavirus pandemic and an economic decline, it is absurd to provide billions of taxpayer subsidies that pad fossil-fuel companies’ already-enormous profits... We need more safe, healthy, good-paying jobs — not more corporate polluter giveaways.” Sign here if you agree with Bernie that it’s time to end subsidies for polluters! In solidarity, The whole team at Our Revolution
