We could not have achieved this success without your support.

Dear QI Supporter,

When we founded the Quincy Institute in 2019, we knew that the odds were against us. The foreign policy of military domination and the endless wars it invariably produces were sacrosanct in Washington. To oppose it was to make oneself irrelevant inside the Beltway. 

But we knew that if we could bring the forces against endless war on the Left and the Right together, we could achieve the impossible.
And today, we saw indisputable evidence of the promise and potency of QI’s strategy, when President Biden announced the withdrawal of all U.S. forces from Afghanistan.

Make no mistake: Only a few months ago, we were told a full withdrawal from Afghanistan was “a losing proposition.” That it would be “a waste of time” and that we simply had to accept the “political realities” of Washington.

We refused.

Instead, we reached out to allies on the Left and the Right -- from Common Defense and Secure Families Initiative to Concerned Veterans for America and Defense Priorities -- and formed a coalition to convince Biden to pull all of our troops out of Afghanistan.

Countless op-eds, interviews, videos, issue briefs, tweet storms, and meetings with lawmakers and White House staff later, and the results are in. 

The first troops will be coming home in the next few weeks.

In his speech to the nation today, President Biden pointed out that the threat of terrorism has evolved. It is no longer concentrated in a single country and keeping troops grounded in one place to fight them - at great cost - makes no sense. The same can be said about US troops in Iraq and Syria.

Indeed, as our colleague Stephen Wertheim told Rolling Stone today, Biden’s decision on Afghanistan is particularly encouraging because it carries the promise of breaking the logic of endless war.

This is why we must double down on our work. Not only to defend Biden’s decision against the hawks who will seek to reverse it in the coming weeks and months, but also to make this decision the starting point for the profound reorientation of our foreign policy that is Quincy’s reason for being. 

We could not have reached this point without your support. You helped us prove that our strategy was a winning one. We need your support now to take this fight to the next level.

Please make a 100% tax-deductible contribution $1,000, $500, $100 or whatever you can to QI today, and help end all the endless wars! 

Andrew Bacevich and Trita Parsi

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