Segregation in early childhood programs is even more pronounced than in K–12 classrooms, and that separation can lead to missed opportunities for contact and kinship during a critical point in child development.
Homelessness may be ruining the “prestige” of our greatest cities, as the president said recently, but not because people are sleeping on the streets, in doorways, and under bridges. It’s because we have failed to respond humanely—and to act based on evidence.
Through policies and programs that expand energy-efficient retrofits, renewable energy, and transportation not reliant on fossil fuels, climate mitigation can break a historical pattern in which environmental amenities are reserved for only a few. These six steps can help define and measure climate equity.
For decades, state policymakers and researchers have used receipt of free and reduced-price lunch as a way to estimate student poverty, but changes to the program have made it an unreliable and less widely used proxy. How does each state estimate its share of low-income students?
On Thursday, October 10, at 12:00 p.m., join the Urban Institute to explore the value of short-term certificates offered by community colleges and how colleges can ensure they are recognized and valued by employers. Please register to attend.
Photo Credit: Allison Feldman for the Urban Institute