Dear John
This moment is urgent.
We are in the last critical battle to add the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to the U.S. Constitution, and we need your help!
Many hurdles have been overcome, but one last hurdle remains:

38 states have ratified the ERA;

U.S. House has voted to remove the arbitrary time limit;

Now, the Senate MUST act.
We know we have majority support in the Senate to remove the time limit blocking the ERA — BUT a Mitch McConnell-led filibuster could derail more than 100 years of feminists’ work, marching, rallying, and persevering. We cannot let that happen.
Join Feminists to End the Filibuster today — and urge the Senate to remove the time limit.
2021 can be the year we finally secure equal rights by adding the ERA into the U.S. Constitution.
We cannot allow the filibuster to destroy more than 100 years of feminists’ work.
8 in 10 U.S. adults favor adding the ERA to the Constitution, and with the House of Representatives voting last month to eliminate the arbitrary timeline on equality, it is high time for the Senate to act.
We owe it to ourselves and all future generations — to eliminate persistent sex discrimination and create new opportunities.
Simply put: We must end the Senate filibuster, not only for the ERA, but also to pass federal legislation for voting rights, to pass the George Floyd Criminal Justice reform bill, raise the minimum wage, deal with climate change, pass commonsense gun laws, reducing violence against women and increasing access to reproductive rights and justice.
To clear this last hurdle, sign on to Feminists to End the Filibuster and take action today.
For equality,
PS - Massive public pressure is how we get this done. Please sign on now to Feminists to End the Filibuster and urge Senate action today!