Fair Food allies in over two dozen cities — from San Francisco, California to Burlington, Vermont — bring the fight for farmworker justice directly to Wendy’s restaurants and top business partners!
What a whirlwind week for the Fair Food movement! As thousands of farmworkers received their COVID-19 vaccine last week in Immokalee — after months of advocacy for an equitable vaccine rollout for essential agricultural workers by the CIW, Alliance for Fair Food, Partners In Health and the Healthcare Network of Southwest Florida — hundreds of Fair Food allies took action across the country to make their voices heard in the Wendy’s Boycott. Conscious consumers from coast to coast demanded that Wendy’s guarantee protections for farmworkers in their supply chain from human rights violations and unsafe working conditions by joining the Fair Food Program. 

Today, we’re sharing photos from the many vibrant demonstrations and manager letter drop-offs that took place during last week’s “Demanding Dignity for Farmworkers” Week of Action, all with a unified message echoing in over two dozen cities: Wendy’s ignores essential farmworkers. Students, people of faith, grassroots organizations, and community members from all across the country organized coordinated, colorful protests — with matching bright yellow banners — outside of their local Wendy’s restaurants in support of the national Wendy’s Boycott and the fight to ensure farmworkers’ safety and dignity while harvesting the nation’s food. 
From all of us here in Immokalee, we send a heart-felt thanks to all who took part in last week’s actions, whether you organized an in-person protest or joined hundreds in making calls and sending emails to turn up the heat on Wendy’s. And a special shoutout goes to DC Fair Food, Migrant Justice, Florida State Student/Farmworker Alliance, Sustainable Souls of Tampa Bay, Casa Maria Catholic Worker and First Congregational UCC of Downers Grove, who were key to making the week a success!
Coalition of Immokalee Workers