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What’s been happening at our border over the last month is truly alarming. 

Thanks to Biden’s “turnstile borders” campaign promises, the massive wave of immigrants illegally crossing our border has reached a critical mass.

It’s utter chaos. Teachers are being sent in to teach children in-person, when their home classrooms are still on virtual learning plans. The number of children sent to the border grows by the day. And the logistical problems of reuniting them with their families back home isn’t getting any smaller.

Our law enforcement and Border Patrol agents are overwhelmed and overworked, and the wave of people does not stop. 

Not a single Democrat heeded President Trump’s warning that this is EXACTLY what would happen when you tell everyone that they’re going to get a free pass into the country and amnesty.

The Democrats will try and tell you that this “isn’t a crisis.” That our country has more pressing issues – just months after slamming President Trump for his America First policies. 

But however they want to message it, we’re still left to deal with the fallout.

It’s vital that we send a clear and strong message that our borders will be SECURED.

Please chip in what you can right now to show everyone that you want to regain control of our Southern border!


Our country is a land of opportunity, where people can come in search of the thriving American Dream. But there still needs to be law and order, and we aren’t a nation if we don’t have borders. 

Joe Biden refuses to enforce our laws and is fueling this crisis. It’s critical to elect Republican leaders who will secure our borders, and get this situation under control, and we need your help.

– Team IN GOP

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