Submit your Under 30 Speech Contest video
Hello John!
We are THRILLED to announce a contest where students can have
their voice heard! Western Conservative Summit and Turning Point USA
are hosting a speech contest in the theme of Frontier Freedom!
Contest Rules:
Contestants must be between the ages of 18-29.
Speeches should be 10 minutes or less and submitted via YouTube.
Speeches must be received by midnight Friday, May 7th, 2021.
The winner will be notified Friday, May 21st, 2021, but kept
confidential until the event.
The winner will be flown to TPUSA headquarters in Phoenix to
record their speech. The speech will be broadcast during the 2021
Western Conservative Summit on Saturday, June 19th.
theme for the 2021 Western Conservative Summit is Frontier
Freedom and speakers are encouraged to consider the theme in their
speech topic. Videos will be judged by conservative content, number of
views, thumbs up, and more.
Learn more and submit your video here!
National Field Program
Turning Point USA
Turning Point USA
· 4940 E Beverly Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85044, United States
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