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Julie Mehretu in her studio with works in progress. Photo by Josefina Santos. Courtesy the artist and Marian Goodman Gallery.
Dear Artists, Advocates, Allied Donors, and Friends, 

Art for Justice Fund invests in artists and policy advocates who are ending mass incarceration and the racial bias that drives it. Our community is working to root the nation in restorative justice and shared safety, so families stay together, and people are treated with dignity and compassion.

We’re thrilled that Julie Mehretu is donating a new 9 x 10 ft painting to benefit the Fund. One hundred percent of proceeds from the sale of this piece will directly sustain grantees’ work. Thanks to the Marian Goodman Gallery for its generous contributions to this effort. 

Come celebrate Julie’s alchemic act of turning art into justice. Together, we can transform our criminal legal system and secure a healthy and safe future for all.


Online program includes discussions with Julie Mehretu, Agnes Gund and Darren Walker; performance by Grammy-Award winner, Rhiannon Giddens; dialogue between artist Sherrill Roland and justice advocate Syrita Steib; and information about the upcoming sale of Julie’s work.


Wednesday, May 26th


8:00 pm EST / 5 pm PST (60 minutes)
Please forward this invitation to
others who might wish to participate! 
All are welcome. 

For more information, please:
email us at [email protected],
visit our website at and
follow us at @Art4JusticeFund
Artwork by the Fund’s grantee partners (left to right) Anastasia Pelias (inspired by Syrita Steib), Jesse Krimes and Titus Kaphar.
Art for Justice Fund was founded in 2017 by Agnes Gund to end mass incarceration in the United States and the racism that drives it. This initiative, which will conclude in 2023, has already disbursed $84 million to radically reimagine and build a future of shared safety. To date, Art for Justice has made grants to 200+ artists, advocates and organizations.
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