Tell Congress to pass the biggest and greenest investment in the American people since World War II.

Lydia Bean for Congress

Hi Bean Team,

Despite being the energy capital of the world, we have watched crumbling infrastructure destroy Texas. All while politicians abandon Texans to play deadly partisan games.

I’m excited that President Biden’s infrastructure bill is about to change that. The American Jobs Plan will create millions of jobs across the country while modernizing our roads and bridges and rebuilding our economy.

But Ted Cruz already announced that he’s opposing the bill. He and his GOP buddies would rather focus on cutting taxes for big corporations and wealthy executives than take real action to rebuild our economy for American families. Send Congress a clear message: It’s time to pass the American Jobs Plan and help get working families back on their feet. Add your name >>>

  • The plan includes huge investments to:

  • 🛣️ Repair roads and bridges

  • 🏭 Prioritize American manufacturing

  • 🚰 Fix water pipes & access to clean water

  • 🔌 Modernize our electrical grid

  • 💻 Build access to high-speed broadband

  • 📝 Repair and rebuild our public schools

  • 🌎 Protect our environment

And it’s a bipartisan plan with support from 93% of Democratic voters and 57% of Republican voters. But Republicans would rather cater to their wealthy donors than their own electorate. Cruz will do anything to protect the special interests group that keep him in power. It’s unacceptable.

At a time when millions of people are out of work, or working for reduced pay, we need this plan more than ever. When I’m in Congress, I will always put the interests of working families before big corporations. But we have to take action now to fight back against Cruz and his special interests pals. Join me and demand Congress pass the American Jobs Act to repair our country’s infrastructure and economy >>>


Together we can fight for an economy that works for all Texans — not just the wealthy and well-connected.


Lydia Bean is a mother, small business owner, and community leader who has brought people together to make real change. As the daughter of a teacher and a pastor, Lydia’s parents taught her to stand up for what she believes in.

Lydia has faith that America’s best days are ahead of us, if we can send leaders to Congress who will stand up for what’s right and will work with anyone to give every Texan a fair shot.

If elected, Lydia will be the first woman to represent Texas’ 6th Congressional District and the first Democrat in nearly 40 years! Help Lydia make history: Donate Today!


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