Big Match Fund Fortnight 2019 starts today, and this year we're hoping to raise £575,000. Every one of your donations to Scorched Earth to Forest Haven between 3 – 17 October will be doubled so your donation will make twice the difference.
WLT are working with partner Viet Nature for this ambitious new appeal to raise reforest land in Bac Huong Hoa Nature Reserve. Widespread use of the herbicide Agent Orange 50 years ago led to a deforested and degraded landscape, now overrun with invasive grasses where a towering tropical forest once thrived.
As forest begins to re-cloak the hills, it will link with existing reserves, creating one of the largest remaining areas of Annamite forest and provide new habitat for Vietnam’s extraordinary biodiversity, including species such as the flamboyant Red-shanked Douc, threatened by hunting and habitat loss, the critically endangered Sunda Pangolin, a victim of the illegal wildlife trade, and Crested Argus, an elusive but spectacular bird.
Your donation will help regenerate forests, provide habitat for species to repopulate, and make a huge difference in the midst of the climate crisis.