The latest news from SAS.
Creating ocean activists everywhere.
575000 Miles Already Committed
In less than a week, you've committed over HALF A MILLION MILES of beach, river, city and mountain clean ups. The response has been incredible and we can’t wait to see those miles coming in.
Still wondering whether to take part? Let us inspire you...The Million Mile Clean is for your mind and body as well as the planet. With 41% of Brits saying their mental health has been negatively impacted by the pandemic, getting outside, joining a community and taking action is one way to reconnect and feel good.
It’s not just a clean. It’s citizen science in action.
We’re asking you to log what you find so we can use that data as evidence when we take on government and big business. The more we gather, the more power we have to make lasting change.
‘Ghost gear’ aka marine death traps. You may have seen the harrowing footage of a whale shark being cut out of discarded fishing line over on our Instagram channel. The build-up of these nets and lines is having a profound effect on wildlife in UK waters. Our Ocean and
Climate Petition is calling for properly enforced Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs) around the UK. Will you help us get this much needed action into law?
The fight to End Sewage Pollution continues... A campaign WIN in that the government will publish a plan by 2022 to reduce sewage discharges from storm overflows and water companies will publish data on storm overflow operation on an annual basis. However, the shocking statistics – 3.1 million hours of sewage discharge - shows just how far we’ve got to go.
NEW educational resources pack! We've created a 45-minute educational activity that dives deep into the Ocean and Climate Emergency; exploring the superpower of coastal and marine carbon sequestration, ‘meeting’ prominent youth climate activists and encouraging informed discussions of the complex issues!
Tell us your Sea Story! Have you got a funny, sad or happy sea story? We're creating an exciting new campaign and are looking for sea stories to feature! There are 3 rules:
1. It must be true
2. 25 words or less
3. 2-3 short sentences
£1 per mile? Taking on the Million Mile Clean challenge? Fundraise as you go! Every donation makes a big impact and helps us to empower communities, pressure government and protect the ocean.
Life is a Wave Award Our CEO, Hugo Tagholm, has been presented with ‘Environmentalist of the Year’ award by Save the Wave. You can tune in to the free event which aims to raise awareness and money for surf ecosystems.