From Chris - NSS <[email protected]>
Subject Your daily media briefing: faith schools imposing on choice
Date October 3, 2019 8:23 AM
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** Your daily media briefing - Thursday 3 October

In the Media <[link removed]>, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most popular features on our website and now available delivered to your inbox.

** Secularism in the media

* ‘Want a non-faith school place for your child? You’d better start praying’ – NSS extensively cited <[link removed]>

More than 20,000 children have started this new academic year at state faith schools against their parents' preferences, NSS research has found.


* Welsh government to consult on ending right of withdrawal from RE and sex education <[link removed]>

The Welsh government plans to remove parents' right to withdraw children from sex and relationship classes and religious education.


* Radio 4's Thought for the Day should be scrapped because it is discriminatory, says John Humphrys <[link removed]>

Former presenter John Humphrys has said the BBC's Today programme should scrap its Thought for the Day feature because it is discriminatory against people without a religion.

The Telegraph

* Belfast High Court to rule on landmark abortion case <[link removed]>

Belfast's High Court is due to rule on a woman's challenge against Northern Ireland's abortion laws.


* Swedish party votes to ban non-medical circumcision of boys – but leader regrets it <[link removed]>

The leader of Sweden's Centre party has said she "regrets" a party vote to work for a ban on non-medical circumcision.

The Local (Sweden)

* Scotland to ban smacking despite some religious opposition <[link removed]>

Scotland is to become the first country in the UK to make it a criminal offence for parents to smack their children. Some religious groups opposed the ban, while others supported it.


** Latest from the NSS

* Scrap ‘discriminatory’ Thought for the Day, says former presenter <[link removed]>

The NSS has urged the BBC to reform its Thought for the Day slot after the former presenter John Humphrys said it was "discriminatory".

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