Hi Friend,

Late last week, President Biden issued yet another radical executive order; this time, forming the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States.

This unnecessary Commission is a thinly veiled attempt to pressure the Court into adopting certain legal outcomes… with the threat of Court packing being the ultimate punishment if the Court fails to comply.

This is a direct assault on the independence of the judiciary and on the separation of powers enshrined in our Constitution. 

Even Democrat-appointed justices understand that efforts to “reform” the Court undermine its legitimacy and independence.

The late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was against Court packing, saying that it was a “bad idea” that she opposed. Justice Stephen Breyer also warned against the idea.

To learn more about Court packing and the threat to judicial independence, check out these informative docs:


Jennifer Braceras
Director of Independent Women’s Law Center