Our first shot has arrived, friend.
Soon, we have our first opportunity to replace a member of The 147 at the ballot box. On May 1st, there will be a special election in TX-06 to replace the late Rep. Ron Wright, a member of The 147. The race has a strong Democratic candidate, it’s winnable, and it’s being overlooked by far too many.
Latest polling had Democrat Jana Sanchez within four points of the extremist Republican frontrunners – within the margin of error and and a gap that the right messaging and outreach can easily close before election day. So we’re stepping up to do what we do best: tell voters the truth – the truth behind the Big Lie their representatives have been feeding them, behind Sanchez and all the progress she could bring to their district.
We’re putting together a series of ads we’ll run in the district in the lead up to election day, and we need your help to get the truth in front of TX-06. Pitch in $16 or any amount you can afford so we can get out our ads and #Flipthe6th >>

The numbers, the momentum, and the facts are on our side. Trump won the district by just 3 percentage points in 2020, after winning by 12 in 2016. Sanchez – daughter of immigrants and lifelong community activist – is on the ballot alongside extremist former Trump officials, Freedom Caucus wannabes, and a professional wrestler from New Jersey who’s faking a Texas accent (seriously). The GOP frontrunner, Susan Wright, has been promoting Big Lie conspiracies to support voter suppression efforts in Texas. We can't afford to elect another seditionist apologist to the House.
With 23 candidates on the ballot, it’ll likely go to a runoff. But to get Sanchez on the runoff ticket, we need to make sure enough voters know her name and her story.
This race is within our reach, and winning would send a strong message to the rest of The 147 that the truth is coming back to bite – this time at the ballot box. But if we’re going to combat the Big Lie voters are being fed, we need to reach the people being lied to. We need to get our ads in front of Texans in the 6th district.
Will you help us reach a $10,000 goal to fund our ad campaign in TX-06 until Election Day? If everyone reading this email chipped in $16, we could reach hundreds of swing voters before they head to the polls on May 1.

With one down, only 146 to go.
– Operation 147