From Kerry Schumann - Wisconsin Conservation Voters <>
Subject Mark Your Calendars: Extraordinary!, our virtual summer celebration, is June 10th!
Date April 13, 2021 11:45 PM
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TRIVIA QUESTION: What’s the MOST FUN you can have with 100+ people in Wisconsin this June?

ANSWER: Joining Wisconsin Conservation Voters for our Virtual Annual Summer Celebration – Extraordinary!

Hi John,

It’s time to get inspired at Extraordinary! – our Virtual Summer Celebration – on Thursday evening, June 10th. Get your tickets now [[link removed]] and learn more about sponsor benefits here: [[link removed]]

Extraordinary! will be virtual again this year, and even though we can’t meet in person, you won’t want to miss what promises to be the MOST FUN you can have with 100+ people this June.

Two (2) BIG reasons to join us for Extraordinary! on June 10th:

1) INSPIRING SPEAKERS - You’ll hear from extraordinary people fighting to protect our extraordinary state, our environment, and our democracy:
* Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul: “Democracy and Fair Maps”
Keynote Speaker Josh Kaul has stood up to attacks on our democracy and worked to protect clean air and clean water as Attorney General.

*Shauntay Nelson
Shauntay Nelson is the Wisconsin State Director for The Leadership Conference, where she has promoted voter education, judicial ethics, fair maps, automatic voter registration, and voting rights in Milwaukee and across Wisconsin.

2) TRIVIA! – You and your friends will have a chance to mingle in special breakout rooms and play the MOST FUN conservation trivia on the planet – and win extraordinary prizes!

Will you join us for “Extraordinary!” on June 10th? Tickets for this exciting event are on sale now: [[link removed]]

Join us on June 10th, and help us celebrate extraordinary people like you in Wisconsin who are fighting for a healthy, equitable democracy and environment.

I can’t wait to see you there!

Kerry Schumann
Executive Director
Wisconsin Conservation Voters

P.S. Help make the evening truly “Extraordinary” by sponsoring the event! As a sponsor, you’ll receive complimentary admissions and be recognized during the event. Sponsor or learn more here: [[link removed]]

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Wisconsin Conservation Voters
133 S. Butler Street Suite 320
Madison, WI 53703
United States
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