CNN: Josh Hawley raised $3 million in 2021’s first quarter after objecting to electoral votes Biden won


News just broke that Republican Josh Hawley raised a staggering $3 million last quarter. This should worry every Democrat in the country.

Despite being one of the most prominent members of the Sedition Caucus, and someone who has failed to show any remorse for his role in stoking the January 6th attack, Hawley has become one of the top fundraisers in the Republican Party.

Please rush a contribution to our Sedition Caucus fund so we can work to hold Josh Hawley and other Republicans who refused to certify the results of the 2020 election accountable.


We won big in 2020 but Republicans around the country are starting to raise a ton of money for their comeback in 2022. It’s on us to put the work in to stop them.

Thank you!

Serve America