Dear John -

For Earth Month CCL DC is doing something special. You probably heard about the Climate Town Hall we're hosting with Congresswoman Norton. Now we're excited to announce our virtual Earth Month Climate Fair. See below!
Thursday, April 29, 7:00-8:00pm ET

Earth Month Climate Fair

Are you curious about the climate crisis, but not sure where to get started? Find your place in the movement with this fair. There will be a series of 15 minute workshops for you to rotate through--each will teach a different element of climate action. Learn about the basics of climate change and see what actions best suit your style.

What: Earth Month Climate Fair
When: Thursday, April 29, 7:00-8:00pm ET 
RSVP for Climate Fair
Wednesday, April 21, 6:00pm ET

Climate Town Hall with Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton

At this momentous event, hosted by CCL DC and open to the public, Representative Norton will share her beliefs and strategies around climate action and answer questions about viable solutions to climate change, bipartisanship, environmental justice, and more. Attendees will also be invited to raise their own questions, comments and concerns with Representative Norton during the meeting. Please register and join us!

What: Climate Town Hall with Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton
When: Wednesday, April 21, 6:00pm ET
RSVP for Climate Town Hall


CCL-DC events: Please feel free to keep up with our chapter calendar on our CCL Community page at:

National CCL events: As always, if you are missing more CCL in your life, check out CCL National's event calendar.
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