April has gotten off to a slow fundraising start, so we've set a goal to raise $15,000 by Thursday at midnight to make up the difference and keep Cori in Congress.

Cori Bush for Congress

John, Cori's been busy.

This month, Cori helped secure a brand new community vaccination site in St. Louis and partnered with the St. Louis County Executive to ensure residents are protected from eviction during the pandemic. This week alone, she's preparing to move critical bills in the House including by helping pass the Paycheck Fairness Act as well as moving forward the NO BAN Act and the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act.

But there's one thing Cori cannot prioritize as she focuses on doing the people’s work: call time.

Call time refers to the hours many members of Congress spend dialing up big donors fundraising for their own reelections. Some representatives spend hours a day on the phone, putting aside the real work to create change in our communities.

Instead, Cori chooses to focus on fighting for this community, but that means we need to have an even stronger grassroots movement than other members who can rely on corporate PAC donations.

That's why we're coming to you today. April has gotten off to a slow fundraising start, so we've set a goal to raise $15,000 by Thursday at midnight to make up the difference and keep Cori in Congress.

Can you help us reach this critical goal so Cori can keep creating and fighting for meaningful legislation like Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, and criminal justice reform?

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:

It’s donations of $5, $15, $25, or whatever you can afford that has kept our fight in Congress rooted in MO-01. It’s what showed the country that people power wins elections — not corporations buying their way in.

We know we can hit this goal because we’ve done it before — one donation at a time. Please chip in $15.04 (our average donation) or anything you can to help us reach our fundraising goal in time and support Cori's work in Congress.

Thank you for your support,

Team Cori