Fellow Patriot,

Joe Biden has nominated Xavier Becerra for Secretary of Health and Human Services -- and, if confirmed, he'll be one of the most radical officials ever to occupy that office.

Here's Becerra's radical background...

  • He was California's chief lockdown enforcer, refusing to listen to common sense and real science.
  • He insisted on shutting down churches while marijuana shops remained open.
  • He closed schools, small businesses, playgrounds, and even banning outdoor dining.

Worse, Becerra is a pro-abortion zealot who even sued nuns for practicing their faith...even after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in their favor!

We MUST stop Xavier Becerra from being confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

And the only way to do this is to EXPOSE his radical history. But I can't do this alone...I need your help!

Xavier Becerra is the radical mob's favorite nominee: a fanatical social justice warrior who, as Secretary of Health, will insist on imposing his woke ideology on all of us

I'm counting on you to help me stop him from being confirmed by the Senate.

With your help we can make the difference in whether Biden succeeds in his nomination...together we can expose Xavier Becerra for the radical he is.

Please chip in whatever you can...whether it's $100, $50, or even just $25 to help me stop Becerra's confirmation.

Joe Biden and his friends in the liberal media will continue to attacks us in hopes of silencing us.

Along with help from Big Tech, they've already shown they’re on board with Biden's plans.

That means it’s up to us -- you and me -- to stand up to Biden and fight for our rights.

Please join me in defending our republic and the liberties for which so many brave Americans have fought and died.


Josh Hawley